泰美食系列 滋味泰式炒金邊粉


泰式炒金邊粉 / Phad Thai

材料 Ingredients
泰式金邊粉(準確份量) 120克 120g dried Thai rice noodle (the weight of noodle has to be exact)
大蝦(去殼、挑腸) 6隻 6 prawns, shelled and deveined
雞蛋 1隻 1 egg
油1湯匙+1茶匙 1 tbsp + 1 tsp oil
紅葱頭(切片) 2粒 2 red shallots, sliced
辣椒粉 1/2茶匙 1/2 tsp roasted ground chilies
豆腐乾(切方粒) 1/2杯 1/2 cup firm bean curd (cut into cubes)
醃蘿蔔粒 2湯匙 2 tbsp sweet turnip
蝦米碎 3湯匙 3 tbsp dried shrimp, minced
脆花生碎 1湯匙 1 tbsp crushed roasted peanuts
韭菜(切一吋長) 2安士 2oz Chinese chives, cut ino to 1" lengths
銀芽 2安士 2oz bean sprouts
青檸汁 1茶匙 1 tsp lime juice
醬汁 Sauce
魚露 2湯匙 2 tbsp fish sauce
羅望子汁 1湯匙 1 tbsp tamarind water
椰糖 1湯匙 1 tbsp palm sugar
白砂糖 1湯匙 1 tbsp white sugar
配菜 Garnish
白砂糖 2湯匙 2 tbsp white sugar
鮮烤辣椒粉 2湯匙 2 tbsp freshly roasted and ground chilies
脆花生碎 2湯匙 2 tbsp crushed roasted peanuts
青檸 1至2角 1-2 lime wedges
韭菜(切成4吋長) Chinese chives, trimmed to 4" lengths
銀芽 bean sprouts


Soak dried rice noodle in room temperature water for 2 hours until semi-soft. Drain
In a saucepan, mix the sauce ingredients: 2 tbsp fish sauce, 1 tbsp tamarind water, 1 tbsp sugar and 1 tbsp palm sugar. Simmer over low heat until all the sugar is dissolved. Set aside.
Heat 1 tbsp oil in a wok. Fry the shallots and dried shrimp until fragrant.
Mix in the prawns. Fry until the prawns change colour.
Then add the sweet turnip and bean curd cubes; sprinkle some water if it gets too dry. Now push the fried ingredients to one side of the wok.
Add 1 tsp oil to the free side of the wok. Crack in the egg. turn down the heat and stir to partially cook only. Mix with the other ingredients and sprinkle in 1/2 tsp roasted ground chili. Push everything to one side of the wok.
Add the prepared sauce to the empty side of the wok...
Put in the soaked rice noodles to mix with the sauce...
Give this a quite stir-fry then incorporate the rice noodles with the rest of the fried ingredients.
Toss the Chinese chives and bean sprouts with the rest of ingredients in the wok; fry for a minute and remove from heat. Add the 1 tsp lime juice. Check seasoning, it should taste sweet, sour and salty.
Pile everything onto a serving plate. Garnish the palte with Chinese chives and bean sprouts. Serve with sugar, crushed peanuts, ground chili, and lime wedges on the side.

基本材料 Basic ingredients

醃蘿蔔粒(sweet turnip)
泰式金邊粉(dried Thai rice noodle)
鮮烤辣椒粉(freshly roasted and ground chili)
椰糖(palm sugar)
豆腐乾(firm bean curd)

羅望子汁處理 Preparing Tamarind Water

Soak 40g tamarind pulp in 1/2 cup boiling water for 30 minutes until the tamarind pulp is dissolved, and the seeds and fibres easily removed.
Strain the tamarind pulp through a strainer and discard the solids left in the strainer.

如何令金邊粉有咬口?/ How to Make the Rice Noodles al dente?

Soak rice noodles in room temperature water for 2 hours until it is soft but still firm and very chewy.
After the soaked noodles are added into the prepared sauce in the wok, give it a quick stir-fry. I like to use two forks to separate the noodles quickly to allow it to soak up the sauce.
Mix the rice noodles with the rest of the ingredients when it is still firm in texture. It will turn soft very quickly.

入貨點Where to buy

所有材料均於「曼谷泰國雜貨」有售,地址:灣仔石水渠街6號地下,查詢:2591 1236、2591 1526,黃小姐洽。

All ingredients can be purchased at「Bangkok Thai Product」, G/F, No.6 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai. Tel:2591 1236, 2591 1526. Ask for Ms Wong.


梁許安璞(Annie Leong)於2005 年4 月開始撰寫這個專欄,隨後更出版了《安璞.滋味.知美》及《安璞.滋味.知緣》兩本烹飪書。憑着她對食物的極端執着與狂熱,對任何菜式都鍥而不捨地解構烹調技巧及製作完美食譜,深得忠實讀者的擁護。梁太於2007年10 月成立了www.cookwithannnie.com 網站,透過網站的討論區,與會員直接互動,交流各式各樣的題材、疑問和意見,也為她帶來更多刺激的新方向。梁許安璞熱情傾注的非凡入廚之旅,就只等你開卷一讀! annie.leong@singtaonewscorp.com


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